Reading Time: 1 minute 20 seconds
Out of the blue I was recommended and signed up 25% of the people present as a result.
I was one of a small group of people – all looking to sell their services, all looking to make connections with other businesses. The organizer commended my 60 seconds of introduction and suggested that, if others had problems with speaking, then I was the person to talk to. I was part of the international speaking group, Toastmasters, and I could certainly help.
When the meeting broke up I was handed business cards by people requesting details of when and where the next meeting of Toastmasters would be and enquiring about how it all worked.
I mention this as a concrete example of the selling power of 3rd party testimonials. This one was unsolicited, but solicited or unsolicited they are astonishing in their persuasive powers. And when the 3rd party knows and trusts the person offering the endorsement, it is even more effective in promoting patronage.
So often it is not just who you know, but who is known by the people you know.
Earlier in the week I had the pleasure of talking to an Event Organizer. She had noticed that the money she spent on press advertising and direct mail was returning very little. She said her main route to market was recommendations from satisfied clients.
I asked how she went about encouraging such recommendations. She looked puzzled.
Well, did she provide commission payments where appropriate; did she buy them a case of wine, a bottle of decent champagne, or a large bouquet; did she at least send a thank you note?
I left her with the thought that some of that unproductive advertising spend could usefully be diverted towards a form of marketing that was actually working for her.
Will she make the change? I don’t know, but the seed has been planted.
Business suggestions:
1) When marketing, discover which channels work;
2) Divert money from non-productive to productive channels;
3) Explore other, new and different channels with the rest of the money;
4) Recognize and reward – where appropriate – recommendations that generate business;
5) Your best customers are your best (payment-by-results) sales force;
6) Ask for testimonials at every opportunity; they are rarely refused;
7) Make sure that the testimonials are heard and seen by as many other people as possible;
8) Endorsements are good for the ego.
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